I love kids. I love small they are and how happy they are and how they can laugh at anything. I love how they think and their curiosity and their capacity to learn. They are unique individual masterpieces its fascinating! The kids here are awesome.

Its funny, when I’m with the babies at In His Image it doesn’t make me sad because they are so cute and amazing! Though if you think about it and look at say Daniel (in the pic), the most delicious little toddler and think that his mum got to the state where she just dumped him it is incredibly sad. Most they get when they are babies but Daniel they got a few months ago when he was aout 1. Nicole was wondering the other day how much these babies mum’s think about them. To dump your baby can’t be easy, to be so desperate that you do that must be horrible. I also wonder how it must affect the babies having not one constant mum but about 6 or 7 different ladies. It must affect them somehow?
And the other day we were at Limuru Childrens Centre and the director was telling us some of the kids stories. One boys was found trying to pull his drunk naked mother off the streets, another watched his father kill his mum, 2 other girls live their because their mum is a drunkard. And it’s weird to think, looking at these smiling kids, what must be underneath. What do they think? How can they comprehend it? The smallest girl there is having a court case at the moment and Patrick, the director said last time they came home from court she was so upset because her mum hadn’t been there and all she wanted was to see her mum.
Yesterday I taught my first lesson at LCC-K, the pre-school branch of Limuru Childrens Centre. I think it is primarily to feed to kids but obviously they need to be educated too. They took about half an hour to draw 4 lines on a piece of paper with a ruler to split it into 9 parts. They just have so little resources they just sit and copy teacher, its so different to england where kids are painting and cutting and sticking and have so many toys. They are

It gives you a lot to think about though, being here and seeing things first hand. In the slums especially it seems such a contrast, the beautiful children and the pitiful surroundings. I wander what they see, what they think about it. Or are some of them too young and they’re just kids playing like kids, making the best out of what they have.